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steering group

The steering group, formed of local residents with a wide range of complementary skills in planning, construction, business administration, marketing, community relations, will meet weekly to begin with, to get the project off the ground swiftly and efficiently.


Each week, the steering group will update the community on its progress on the news page of this website.


What will the steering group do?


First, the steering group will take forward the following priorities to establish the viability of the project:

  • Identifying a site

  • Developing a business plan

  • Establishing channels of communication

  • Exploring business development support and funding options.


Should this initial work prove the business case for a community shop, the steering group will lead the community in making it happen.


Experience drawn from St Germans, and other community shop projects elsewhere in Cornwall and beyond, suggest it could take up to a year to get to the stage of opening the shop doors, although it is hoped this could happen sooner, by leaning on expertise from The Plunkett Foundation and other community development resources.


I’d like to be involved, who should I contact?


You can contact the steering group via the Facebook group or via email at:


The steering group roles and members are as follows:


Chair: Tim Pullin

Vice Chair: Nigel Jones

Secretary: Janet Shipman

Treasurer: Dave Twist 

Premises and planning: Jem Hall, Jim Lockyer

Communications, PR and social media: Katherine Kowalski

Governance: Dave Gatland

Retail: Dave Twist

Health and Safety Nigel Jones

Fundraising: Tim Pullin

Volunteers: Simon and Cathy Jaycock

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